Friday, 29 June 2012

Day 33 - Child Soldiers – Part 2

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the phenomenon of child soldiers only exists within poor, undeveloped, uncivilized countries/areas within the world

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise, that the so called “developed” countries also participate within the manifestation of child soldiers – where for instance in the United Kingdom children from the age of 16 can join the army on “voluntary” basis – where this “choice” to “volunteer” for the army is directly based on the economic and social background the child is coming from, and is thus not volunteering at all – but being forced to join the army as no other alternative is available

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that most child soldiers are between the age of 14 and 17 – and that thus children from the so called “developed” countries also are part of this range, contributing to the population of child soldiers within this world

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself see and realise the absolute contradiction and madness within allowing a 16 year old to join the army – where at 16 years old they are allowed to join the army and train with live ammunition, but are not allowed to vote, drink beer, ride a motorbike – or watch X-rated DVDs such as “Apocalypse Now” as the horrors of war presented in the movie are too violent for a 16 year old to witness -- WTF

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that the rest of the world is just as messed up – where children of the age of 16 are allowed to join the army with the consent of their parents – and where children coming from a poor background and a lack of education find it hard to resist such an “opportunity” – where they will sign up to join the army and where the parents will agree as they too see no other way of earning a living within the current economic conditions of this world – and where the child is not allowed at the age of 18 to review his or her decision with an informed conscience – ending up being locked in their position for 4 additional years after their 18th birthday – which is longer than those who sign up at the age of 18 --

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that all countries and all governments are underdeveloped as long as war is considered a solution to a problem and where human beings from one country are trained to kill other human beings from another country

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that placing an 18 year old, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,… – 100 year old in the position of being a soldier and killing other beings is ALSO completely unacceptable – as war in itself is completely unacceptable and thus no person at any age ought to be in the position of being a soldier and waging war – as I do not see myself fit / wanting to be in war at any age, any stage in my life –  and whether one is under or above 18 does not change the absolute atrocity existent within the manifestation of war and its destruction

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world where it is seen as exemplary when people enlist within the army where they are trained to kill others – while those who refuse to enlist in the army and thus refuse to kill other beings are labelled and treated as cowards

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that we as a society have our values all twisted

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that children should be able to join the army if the army will accept them as it works perfectly along the lines of the supply and demand mechanism – without stopping for a moment and considering why these children would want to enlist in the army an why armies require soldiers and why we wage war within this world

I commit myself to expose that there is no difference between so called “developed” and “developing” countries in terms of child soldiers – as both participate within this phenomena

I commit myself to expose the absolute insanity, madness and contradiction existent within this world where beings who are not old enough to vote or watch a war movie are allowed to enlist in the army

I commit myself to expose that the current world system does not care about its citizens at all – but only values them in so much that they can be used as tools for the quest of resources and thus money

I commit myself to expose that the human race hasn’t evolved at all – as war has been the distinctive characteristic of the human race throughout time – killing others needlessly for resources when there is enough for everyone – but we’ve accepted greed and self-interest to override real Love as Giving to All Equally!

I commit myself to expose that the human race has in fact Devolved as more resources are being spend and directed towards weapons and military purposes than ever before – while at the same time the level of suffering as poverty and starvation has never been this high

I commit myself to expose that any person at any age is unfit to be a soldier in war as war in its very essence is completely atrocious and should NOT EXIST and NO-ONE should ever have to be put in the position of killing other human beings – which in the end is done in the name of Profit within the Human holding on to Greed and Self-Interest

I commit myself to expose the absolute fucked-up-ness that has become of us human beings and how we treat others with absolutely no dignity or respect where those with money will recruit those with no money to do their dirty work as they will do anything for some money to survive in this world and where their survival is dependent on the killing of others

I commit myself to expose that war in itself is absolutely unacceptable as THERE IS ANOTHER WAY as the Equal Money System where resources will be distributed equally and responsibly – and where the future of a demarcated area such as a country is not defined by the luck or unluck of available resources in its territory – as all beings will be taken care of on the principle of Life and what is Best for All

NO MORE WAR! EQUAL MONEY NOW! <-- Vote and Comment on the Equal Money Goals

See for more information -- also read the comments which expose the extent of brainwashing in this world

See enlistment ages by country here:

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