Friday, 8 June 2012

Day 13: Economists are Evil

The following is an extract from John Perkins’ book Hoowinked:

“The human rights group Amnesty International warned in May 2009 that the worldwide economic decline was leading to greater repression across the globe, concluding that “we are sitting on a powder keg of inequality, injustice and insecurity, and it is about to explode.” The Global Humanitarian Forum reported that global warming causes more than 300,000 deaths each year. We ignored all these signs, and countless others.

We watched funding dry up for environmental protection programs; for those nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to improving social and living conditions for the poor, the young, the old, and the vulnerable; and for projects dedicated to monitoring and safeguarding the conditions on our planet that make life as we know it possible. We eschewed the changes that would benefit our children and their children. Instead, we complained about rising gasoline prices and taxes, we bought Hummers and iPods, and we supported policies that funded political campaigns and lined the pockets of CEOs.

We deceived ourselves into believing in the efficacy of a system where less than 5 percent of the world’s population lives in the United States but consumes more than 25 percent of the world’s resources while nearly half the world’s population struggles to survive at or below the poverty level. Where nearly 200 million children serve as child laborers, de facto slaves, working under inhumane conditions. Where poor countries pay $1.30 servicing foreign debt for every $1.00 they receive in foreign aid. And where one continent, Africa, expends four times more on debt payments than on health care.

We read statistics like these, glanced around at each other, shrugged, and tried to convince ourselves that “our system may not be perfect, but it’s the best there is.”

We who live in a society that can fly people to the moon, immunize against smallpox, clone sheep, and transmit entire books instantaneously through the Internet continually neglected to ask the questions that would connect the dots:

If 5 percent of the world’s population consumes 25 percent of the resources, the transference of this same economic model to China, India, Africa, and Latin America would require … what?
If our system is dependent on turning countless millions of children into financial slaves, what does the future hold for our children?

If the industrialized world can feed its appetite for cheap petroleum only by keeping other countries under its thumb and subjecting them to debts they can never repay, our future prosperity and lifestyles will inevitably do what in the future?

We avoided answering these questions because they lead to one inevitable conclusion: Our present system is a failure. We have not wanted to hear that to provide the other 95 percent of the world’s population with the same resources we use would require at least another five planets just like ours, except without people. That continuing to abuse the children of other nations will create a world for our children that is torn by ever-increasing violence. That burdening others with debts too huge to be repaid will ultimately destroy our economy as well as theirs.

We have not wanted to hear that returning to “normal” is simply not an option.”

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created an unsustainable economic system of greed which cannot be sustained – as the numbers show

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created an economic system of greed where some earn 400 times more than others – for no other reason then those few being in a position of being able to generate more money

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created an economic system of greed where human beings’ value is measured through the amount of money they have and can make – where if one is not in a position of having and making money they are exiled from the game and left to fend for their own in a system which will only support those with money

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created an economic system of abuse where billions of people go to work every day at a wage that barely sustains them and their families so that a few can benefit from cheaper goods to satisfy their consumer compulsions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created an economic system of destruction which was designed out of proportion of what the Earth can physically, practically sustain – forcing a majority to live in pain and suffering in order for a few to experience an illusionary heaven made up of money

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to have see the faulty mathematics behind our current economic systems and its inevitable demise – which will fall upon us ALL

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that such a system of abuse can only be sustained for so long before it explodes and collapses

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try and hold on to a collapsing economic system in the hope that I can still reap the benefits as the few at the expense of the many for just a little longer

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world economic which in no way whatsoever takes into consideration the future generations who still have to live on our planet

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world economic system where a few Big Men rule and only take into consideration their own personal happiness and do not care whether everyone around them starves and suffers including the billions of people still to come into the future – driving Life to extinction on Earth

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only point out the positive things within our current world economic system and all the apparent “freedom” it provides – without mentioning that this freedom comes at a price and that this price is the suffering of the many for your personal freedom – where millions of children work themselves to death so our consumer society can buy the newest gadget at the lowest price

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that freedom is not freedom when it places people in a position of slave status in order to experience this freedom

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that Foreign Aid which has to be bought at an inflated price is really the exact opposite of Aid as its only use is to further enslave entire nations to the clutches of a few and their psychopathic obsession with money

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that saying that “this is the best we can do” will just not do it – when we can clearly see that we have the technology and the scientific brains to create a system which will Provide for All

I commit myself to expose the current world economic system of greed for what it is: a system designed by the few for the few at the expense of the majority

I commit myself to expose the true human nature which accepted and allowed such a system to be created and maintained

I commit myself to keep on exposing the atrocities created in the name of economics and infinite growth so as to wake people up from their sleep and engage them to demand and create change

I commit myself to the development of a world economic system which will provide for all equally, no matter what continent one lives on, no matter the age, gender and race

I commit myself to expose the deception of economic system as the scam it is so we can reclaim our true freedom through the establishment of an Equal Money System where all are taken care of unconditionally

I commit myself to the re-education of the human so all can understand how the current world economic system functions and why it is in everyone’s best interest to deconstruct it and re-construct a system of Equality

I commit myself to expose the massive amount of murders happening every day in the name of economic growth and satisfaction of consumption compulsion

I commit myself to expose that the fact that consumption compulsion exists shows that there is inherently something wrong with the standard of living when people need to resort to consumerism as a lifestyle in order to get their shot of happiness for the day

I commit myself to expose that the current world economic system does not in fact improve living standards as it only drives people further away from this physical reality and planet Earth into their own personal mind reality bubbles of personal satisfaction at all costs

I commit myself to an Equal Money System where all may in fact be free!

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