Monday, 10 December 2012

Day 154: The Application of Justice in an Equal Money System

Identifying the Source of Disharmony for Correctional Action

Within an Equal Money System the meaning of justice stands within the context of the maintenance of harmony within society. Therefore, injustice will entail the correction of points of disharmony. Whenever an individual or group of individuals is living in disharmony, and thus, will cause disruption and harm within society - an assessment will be done in terms of the origin of the disharmony.

If the disharmony is caused by inefficient management guidelines or institutional structures, then this inefficiency requires to be addressed on managerial or institutional level to correct the disharmony. Because in such event, the disruptive behavior of the individual or group of individuals is a reaction to a disharmonious environment - and thus, in removing the cause of the disharmony, the behavior will be corrected.

If the disharmony originates within the individual, it will be assessed whether the behavior is deliberate and a form of spite, or whether the condition is medical.
In the event that the origin is deliberate spitefulness by the individual, a social intervention will take place by experts. Because - understand that the moment one causes disharmony within society, one is in breach of the basic constitution - and therefore, one will no longer have the protection of the constitution, because one is breaking it. And, thus, from a certain perspective, one is breaking the law. However, the issue is not that one is breaking a law, but that one is breaking the harmony of co-existence - which means one is causing harm and such harm mus tbe prevented. Therefore, experts with the necessary level of skills to be able to assist, will take action through taking the individual through a process of re-education.
In the event that the condition is medical, where the dysfunctional behavior is caused by a chemical imbalance within the human, the correctional intervention will be centered around re-establishing the harmony within the physical make-up of the individual.

Correctional Facilitation

Within the current system we speak of 'correctional facilities', but what is actually being referred to is a building where we can lock-up criminals who now have to 'serve time' as payment for their mistakes. Thus - the term 'correctional facilities' is inappropriate as not enough - if any - emphasis is placed upon the actual correction of the disharmonious behavior.

Within an Equal Money System, disharmony will be addressed through facilitating correction in every possible way - which is what correctional facilities are supposed to be about. The focus will therefore not be upon punishment and revenge - as these actions in no way facilitate actual understanding, which is necessary to effectively correct the disharmony. As such, these measures only take into consideration those who were on the receiving end of the harm caused by the disharmony through making them feel 'safe', remunerating them for losses experienced or giving them a sense of satisfaction through vengeance. Obviously, this implies that the way the justice system currently works does not consider what is Best for All, as the well-being of the individual in disharmony is not equally considered. The justice system requires to address points of harm and disharmony in a way that is sustainable and actually aids the society as a whole. Punishment and revenge are merely quick-fixes to temporarily resolve a point of conflict, but don't ensure the prevention of further harm. 

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