Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Day 150: Voting Responsibility and Tight-Knit Communities in an Equal Money System

 Also, would everyone be required to vote?

Voting in an Equal Money System is not a matter of requirement, but a matter of responsibility. For society to function in a way that is Best for All, participation, contribution and understanding on an individual level are essential. Each one's participation or non-participation affects everyone else - and as such, everyone is equally responsible for the results of the participation and non-participation.

Understand that, in terms of the points of apathy, not caring about or simply not wanting to vote (which are currently very common) - these attitudes are results from, and reactions towards the current economic and political system of inequality. Non-participation has become a way of expressing that one does not care about the current economic and political system, because this very system does not care about us either. However, in a system of harmony and equality, there is no valid reason for a person to not do their part in participating in the process of life on Earth. Unless it can be shown very clearly through mathematical and scientific evidence that the relationships within the system are producing disharmony - which causes a person to refuse to participate - non-participation is deliberate and a form of spite. As such, it will raise a 'red flag' to indicate that the person requires assistance as they are in disharmony with themselves and with society. And such disharmony, if left unaddressed will, in turn, cause some form of harm or disharmony to occur on other levels. Therefore, the person will receive the appropriate psychological assistance to correct the disharmony.

Finally, there are currently many areas of the world with very, let's call it "tight-knit" communities where people are all of the same religion or background or maybe just a small, isolated community that has lived together for a long time and does things in a very specific way. For such communities, I forsee resistance to joining the larger Equal Money System.

To what extent will these communities be accomodated? If they made it clear that they wanted no part in the overall system but wished to remain non-violently separate continuing on in their own way, how would that work?

We live in such a large and complex world, I can understand how people would see the Equal Money System as this nice idea but when it comes down to the practical implications of implementing it- they're lost.

Groups have developed various kinds of coping mechanisms in order to survive in a world of inequality. Tight-knit communities that like to somewhat isolate themselves from other communities are an example of such a coping mechanism in reaction to the current system of Inequality. Since inequality is the cause of these types of group behaviours and dynamics, they will be addressed through the introduction of a system of Equality - as this will remove the cause of the reactive mode. Of course, this will not be an easy process as there will be resistance to change in the same way that everyone resists change on some level. Though, resistance to change will also occur from the perspective that - since they are in a coping mechanism and believe that they are managing 'just fine' on their own, the perception exists that no other help is needed. Tight-knit communities will not be looking for a solution, because, from their point of view - they have the solution. Though, what is not considered within that is that we live in a world where everything is interconnected and that each one's actions have a consequence on everything and everyone else. Therefore, remaining isolated from each other will never bring about true solutions that are Best for All.

So - education will become an important factor, as education will bring about the realization that there are different ways to handle things, that provide more viable and substantial solutions. This education process will take time as one of the points that is required to be proven is that humans can in fact change. This is why an Equal Money System will not be a resolution or a solution within the next 2, 3, 4 years. It will take a process of 10 to 20 years of massive education, before we can get to a point where we can introduce, consider and vote on a new system. Through education, we'll make sure that individuals and groups are not sabotaged by their own ignorance. And thus, reversing the statement that 'ignorance is bliss' - in bringing about the realization that bliss is actually the action of living together in a way that is Best for All – ensuring each other’s harmony and one's own harmony.
Will those promoting an Equal Money System work on developing more details as time goes on?

Yes, definitely. In fact, comments and questions (like yours) assist us greatly in fine-tuning, adjusting and expanding on the Equal Money proposal. And thus, thank you for your participation, please do continue!
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