This is a continuation to: Day 35: Big Buck, Big Pharma
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world which values and honours Profit over Life as Health Care
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world where Health Care and Health Care products are turned into Consumerism Products which Consumers can buy even though they do not actually require the product and whether the product will actually assist and support the person’s body is questionable
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world where pharmaceuticals are presented and advertised as consumer products, as to brainwash any person looking at the advertisement into the belief that they will be better off with having this product/drugs where the drug has no relation whatsoever to the person’s actual wellbeing, but is designed for the sole purpose of generating money
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world system which only values money, and thus only values human beings in so far that they can be mined for money – where pharmaceuticals/drugs are presented and moved through the consumer arena, where the drugs are “Branded” as to give the particular drug character so the consumer may develop an emotional bond between self and the drug advertised
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world system where health care is really money care – where the point is no longer the efficacy of the drug within assisting and supporting the body, but where the point has been shifted to the relationship one can have with a particular drug/brand where the drug is taken from the starting point of energy and value, where one will take the drug to obtain the energy, value which was associated / attached to the drug through visual media advertisement, where the drug is taken as a form of feeding self with energy instead of using drugs as a practical way to assist and support the body within re-establishing itself within Health
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise, that within pharma advertisement, the actual point as disease/condition is never portrayed – but where with all drugs no matter what their use – the people in the advertisements are portrayed as “Happy” people “Living Life”, where pharma advertisement is thus in fact the advertisement for the Pursuit of Happiness through consumerism as drugs and in no way whatsoever about what is Best for All as taking care of one’s Human Physical Body
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world system as the economic system which only cares about moneyaccumulation – where doctors will prescribe drugs to their consumers – oops, I mean “patients” – which they may not necessarily need as they receive benefits from the company who owns and sells the drug – where many end up suffering needlessly from side effects such as heart attacks and seizures
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to defend the advertisement of drugs through labelling the advertisement as “education” while this is obviously not so within showing Happy People dancing, laughing, playing within the ad – there is no real information provided whatsoever and an incorrect picture has been transferred to the consumer as to what this drugs really does, where it is assumed that this drug is some sort of magic pill which will make you a Happy Person and have a Burdenless Life
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that the consumer cycle is constantly being fed and maintained through drug companies producing and releasing ‘new, better versions’ of their drug – while there is actually no improvement whatsoever, where psychological obsolence is used to keep the consumer coming back for more within the Pursuit of Happiness of being and achieving MORE
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that only 14% of all new drugs are deemed to be “likely” better than older drugs which were already out there – which only further indicates that pharmaceuticals and health care in this world are so far separated from one another where they currently have little relation with one another but used as a justification to accumulate more money
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have created a world system where Health Care is not about Care but about Profit, where a single drug will be existent multiple times within different brand names – resulting in huge waste of resources as these different brands spend time and money on marketing THEIR drug as THE drug while all are really the same, and where millions are wasted in creating the best advertisement so the consumer will pick THEIR drug instead of the competitor’s one – while both are the same – which merely indicates that all the points in the world such as poverty, starvation, disease whose existence are justified through referring to “scarcity” is complete bullocks, as millions are going to waste within the Profit Game and Competition which could have been used to actually change this World in a Place which is Best for All as REAL Health Care through funding the establishment of an Equal Money System
I commit myself to the establishment of a world System which honours Life over All, as the only REAL value existent within this world
I commit myself to reveal of how Health Care has been transformed into a Lifestyle industry where drugs are dressed up as consumer products which consumers can buy to have a piece of Happiness within their lives
I commit myself to the end of all brainwashing as advertisement and to the realisation of real education as part of the Basic Education everyone should receive in terms of how the Human Physical Body actually operates so all can Care for one’s Heal in fact
I commit myself to the redefinition of Health Care as actual Care for Humans, Plants, Animals, the Planet as what actually assists and supports the physical within reaching an optimum level of functioning – instead of the mass manipulation into consumerism as which it now exists as for the sake of money as fake value
I commit myself to the re-evaluation of All Drugs to eliminate and clear out all the drugs which are in fact not beneficial to anyone, but only created for the purpose of money accumulation – and within that I commit myself to establishment of a scientific health care community which in fact cares about the physical’s health and will only commit themselves towards drugs as support which will actually assist and support others and one’s own physical bodies
I commit myself to expose the Lie drugs as become as a product of Energy and Experience where drugs is no longer advertised as a way to relieve oneself from a particular ailment/condition/disease – but where the incentive for buying and taking the drug is based on wanting the obtain the energy presented in the Advertisement as ‘Happy people’
I commit myself to expose how doctors within the current world system are not in fact serving their clients within what is best for their health, but only act within what’s best for their wallet
I commit myself to expose the obsolence game being played within the pharmaceutical industry for the sole purpose of getting people hooked so they can keep on buying their drugs without there being and actual change or improvement within the chemical composition of the drug
I commit myself to educate others as myself on the real state of Health Care within this world so those who may hear can wake up and realise that this world is not set up to take care of its people within the principle of what is Best for All – and that change as the Equal Money System ought to be implemented
I commit myself to expose how vast amounts of resources and money are being wasted within the Consumerism Game by people who apparently “Care” about the Health of others, when these resources could have been used more effectively through bringing about ACTUAL change within this world which would have a REAL impact such as the funding of an Equal Money System which will ensure that ALL BEINGs are taken care of
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